Berechtigte Hoffnungen in die guten Bio-Wissenschaften?

- die bösen haben SARS-CoV-2 mag sein erst gemacht?

Éspoirs justifiés dans les bonnes bio-sciences?

- les méchants il se peut l'aurait d'abord fabriqué?

Speranze giustificate nelle buone Bio-scienze?

- le cattive puó darsi l'avrebbero fabbricato?

Die Pandemie hat Menschen bereits zu rasanten Fortschritten

insbesondere bei den Impfstoffen gegen SARS-CoV-2 - angespornt.

Ähnliches wünschten wir uns 2022 auch zur besseren...

Bewältigung der Depressionen.

Unten erweisen wir hier auf Neuigkeiten

zu Biowissenschaften gegen Depressionen.


La pandémie a déjá conduit les humains à des progrés rapides

notamment pour les vaccins contre SARS-CoV-2.

Nous nous souhaitons le même pour une meilleure

maîtrise des dépressions.

En bas nous signalerons des nouvelles des

biosciences contre les dépressions. 


La pandemia ha già stimolato gli umani verso rapidi progressi

soprattutto nei vaccini contro SARS-CoV-2.

Ci auguriamo progressi simili per

affrontare meglio la depressione.

Sottostante segnalazioni di novitá dalle

bioscienze contro le depressioni.



Neues / Du nouveau / Delle novitá / News


2023/1: Neues zu elektro-magnetischen Hirntherapie-

Verfahren im Schweizer Wissenschafst-Magazin "Horizonte"

aktuell und lesbar erklärt.

2023/2: Neues (aus Harvard und Iran) zur im Ansatz sehr interessanten "photobio-modulatorischen" Nasen-Licht-therapie mit wohl noch nicht ganz zulassungsfähigen "Proneurolight"-Geräten!


2020/1. ENERGIE-GELADEN GEGEN DEPRESSIONEN. (clic!) - Alexander Karabatsiakis, EDA-Repräsentant für Österreich.

2020/2. Biology trends in Depression 2020: THE TREMENDOUS CHALLENGE of Covid-19. - Gottfried R. S. Treviranus, EDA-Repräsentant für die Schweiz.



Biology trends in Depression 2023:



Gottfried R. S. Treviranus, Berne


The humans are still beeing tremendously challenged by the pandemic even in some of the relatively spared high-consuming, well-

equipped societies, which revealed unsuspected voids of resilience and an escalation of disparities. The toll among frontline

(para-)medics has been appalling, shattering trust in recent sanitary policies. All this in the humans triggers strong emotional

reactions, but not necessarily depressions, which are illnesses, probably even more often grafted on already previous «affective»

temperaments, than dire consequences of noxious stress by themselves.1 The roads to depression from the pandemic obviously are

many, and those via deteriorating medical, anti-infectious, and mental care can be predicted to be as important as those from

exhausting psycho-social worry and despair. Here we focus on the possible direct tracks from Covid-19 to depression.

Only 3% of the initial published scientific output on the medical issues of the COVID-19 pandemic concerned the damages to mental

health,2 as an account from the U.S.A. mirroring the effects during the early phase in a way representing the overall population now

remarks.3 An even more minute proportion covers observations of putative mechanisms involved in the specific biological

contribution to the depressive and other loads burdening human mental health.

Here we try to catch a glimpse of first insights most directly related to biological issues of depression from Covid-19, the equally

dangerous SARS and MERS, and from what is known about the other coronavirus affecting the CNS of humans (HCovs) like the four

others causing one in three common colds.4 Researchers now zoomed in on weaknesses of human defence against Covid-19, and

notably on the natural immune responses` interferon-type1-systems either through genetical variants in 4%5 or through anti-INFg-

antibodies, a mechanism known from Mycobacteria, Staphylococcus, and Candida,6 all subverting immune cells by colonization,

which again may be central to neuropsychiatric disorders as far as related to mast cells and arteries.7 

The astonishing skills in subverting bodily (and mental) functions of the COVID-19 virus, which is a member of this increasingly

infamous group of 7 human viruses, are encoded in an encapsulated huge single strand of RNA. These skills rapidly spurned theories

on usurpation of physiological, particularily immune networks8, mast cell involvement,9 cerebral auto-immunity, the origin of age-

and sex-correlations, the arterial aneurysms creation, the role of antibodies favoring receptor and clathrin-facilitated entry, the

pharmacodynamics of the few testable drugs, the peculiarities of the young either protected or not, and many more.10


How Covid-19 might enter proper CNS-tissues

Broad neurological symptoms in a quarter of Covid-19-illnesses are proportional to overall severity, comorbidity, and age, but may

also devastate children. As far as these many and variagate neuropsychiatric disturbances and lesions to the CNS are concerned, the

modes of entry of theses virus into the brain through its barriers and into its proper tissue cells are approached via tentative

models. General cell entry requires the ACE2-receptor, which again interacts with TMPrSS211 - both effectively blocked by drugs12

-and neuropilin-113, and it its followed by clathrin-mediated endocytosis – blockable by cheap and common phenothiazines14,15,16

among other useful psychotropics like lithium17 or clomipramine18 - and replication with lysosomes participating,19 one of the places

hydroxychloroquine acts.20

Some CoV can enter the neurons – were they rush to the endoplasmatic reticulum of cells21 or may persist22 - via peripheral nerves

crossing synapses or via the neural olfactory bulb above the ethmoïd cells. A review from Thessaloniki23 next to the nerval routes

and hematogenous spread mentions «nasal epithelium in general» and «lymphatic tissue». In fact air pollution particles

reaching the nose can function as vectors carrying Covid-19 too.24 While Covid-19 is assumed to be carried in the blood stream

especially of arteries and arterioles, special complex and variegate barriers made up of many other cells protect the neural tissues.

Covid-19 has been erroneously identified25 within arterial endothel (what the same institution which fallaciously smeared26 the use

by front-line doctors of hydroxy-chloroquine27 denies)28 - which would have expalined the proven replicatory invasion of an

endothelial organoid,29 particularly enlightening, as no immunocyte contribution war required. Autopsy finding instead showed their

dense perivascualr presence, and a much incrased angiogenesis and microthrombotic activity.30 That Covid-19 could colonize

macrophages, which thereafter would spread these «trojan horses» was observed,31 but not extended to brain parenchyma

invasion, which normally is not achieved by them,32 but instead by mast cells,33,34 which can be colonized by many germs or

viruses,35 and are also required for CNS-autoimmunity.36


The 2021 extension of this article also covering long-COVID-19 (PASC)

is available as conference paper of Censtupsi Perugia

in Psichiatria danubina(Zagreb).


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