COVID-19: follow the global expansion through the
Since I have been viciously attacked through pseudo-legal means by an academic infectiologist I have had to stop comments on the COVID-19-crisis for the time being. - GRST
Einige wenige COVID-19 schaffen es anscheinend immer wieder, andere Menschen anzustecken. Hierzu müssen sie in die Nase oder in den Mund (und dort vor allem auf die ZUNGE) gelagen. Es bietet sich daher an durch häufige DESINFEKTION der gesamtem zugänglichen NASENbereiche und der (zuvor leicht abgeschabten) ZUNGE einem Eindringen von COVID-19 vorzubeugen! Betadine ist hierzu - wegen Nebenwirkungen - nur zu 3/4-mit anderer Salbe verdünnter 1:4-Stärke oder als 1:30 verdünnte Gurgellösung verantwortbar. Invermectin-Salbe (gegen Rosacea & Krätze) ist vermutlich eine Alternative, da es im Reagenzglas viruzid gegen COVID-19 ist, da es (nicht in der Schweiz) auch als Tablette über 3 bis 4 Tage bei Krätze (Scabies) gegeben wird. Eine Verantwortung durch diese Ratschläge kann nicht übernommen werden: Details sind mit anderen Ärzten zu besprechen. Es gibt leider keine Schweizer Behörde oder Universität, die Ratsschläge aufnimmt und evaluiert. Texte in den Landessprachen und weitere Links zur wissenschaftlichen Literatur werden hier nach und nach publiziert.
A few COVID-19 apparently succeed despite social distancing and professional or home-made masks to infect further persons. At Wuhan though only 10% of household partners became infected themselves. In order to infect a person COVID-19 needs to attach to ACE2-receptors which are their ONLY entry doors. These receptors are very dense on the TONGUE but also on the mucous surfaces of the NOSE. Authorities in this quite overwhelming COVID-19-crisis, which are not very efficient in integrating and evaluating alternative strategies like the following proposal. These are NOT established, but off-label medical considerations, and NO warranty can be given to whoever follows them in a way a prscription would be followed. You should get involved with professionals who counsel you on health issues before applying them.
The current home gargling routines with chlorhexidine 0,2 % with or without some alcohol seem NOT VERY active against COVID-19 or many other viruses. It therefore seems to be an urgent necessity to evaluate and propagate alternatives for people exposed in the evolving COVID-19 crisis. Gargling and desinfection of the NOSE and of the TONGUE with iodophores like Betadine (Povidone iodine, PVJ) at 0,23 % appear as a sound, yet little discussed strategy to propagate rapidly to ward off the entry of COVID-19, because COVID-19 are at least rapidly destroyed on inanimate surfaces when contacted by PVJ. A March 13 study by researchers at the NIH and CDControl and multiple universities compared SARS-CoV-1 of the 2003 epidemic with the new CoV-2. They show similar viability, yet CoV-2 survives up to three days on stainless steel and plastic.
Using PVJ against CoV-2 there are – at excessive dosages – some SIDE-EFFECTS to take into account and to avoid (Lakhal 2011), which can appear quite rapidly – after a week or so I felt… . Therefore PVJ should reasonably be delimited to a 1:30 dilution (0,23%) 3-4x/day COMBINED maybe 2-3 per week by a thorough application of PVJ cream diluted to 1/4 into the nose (which is not commonly propagated, but very efficacious against various infections and inflammations). Gargling solutions at 7,5%, 75 mg/1ml, to be used 3-4 x/day though exist e.g. on the Swiss market. Since the virucidal effect is maintained, these should be diluted 1:8 to 1:16 (i. e. to 0,93% to 0,47%). In the case of strong exposure a more concentrated solution seems reasonable (Manual COVID-19 Univ. Hosp. Zehjiang). It would thus seem to be advisable, that an authority would establish a reduced concentration of the Betadine cream (10 mg iodine / 1000 mg, i. e. 1 mg J/100 mg or about 1%), and a dilution method to a quarter (0,25%) of the former, if one wishes to make use of its convincing efficacy against COVID-19. This doesn’t seem to be a sufficiently rapid solution though... . One could therefore forced to resort to a self-made mixture (1:3) of Betadine and any ointment which can be applied to nose and tongue or else to the conviction that the tiny quantity of Betadine applied is already highly effective after less than a minute against the MERS & SARS – and that a nasal rincing whith inclination of the head to either side with some warm saline solution would help to get rid of excessive iodine doses through the other nostril.
Iodine otherwhise enters the circulation rapidly and directly from the mucous membranes to be excreted through the kidneys in the normal case… - and the broad current applications in internal surgery confirms this. Nevertheless at time unexplained hyperchloremia can appear with acute renal failure or through other mechanisms (after neutralisation with bromide e. g.). Finally event under lithiotherapy blocking iodine uptake, a rare hyperthyroidism can appear by chance; much more often after stopping iodine applications a transient hypothyroidism can result. Under daily application of iodine certain patients rapidly complain about swelling of various mucuous membranes, behind the lips, of the tongue, which may bleed, of the lacrimal ducts, at the prostate, within the stomach where mucosal folds can result in further investigations. It seems that these edemas are mainly due to an association of the iodine with glycogen. But their seem to exist also cases where macrophages are disturbed by the accumulation of the povidone of PVJ, because its molecules larger than 20000 D cannot be excreted by the kidneys whereby they would remain inside the RES. This is particularily worrysome when macrophages are needed against a virus: but experience with Betadine in wound care is very extensive and overall positive. Also instances of anaphylaxia have come to attention, although PVJ usually stabilizes mast cells. Finally certain bacteria, Burkholderia e. g., have proven their resistance against PVJ and thus are advantaged by PVJ, which doesn’t cause big problems on surfaces where some desinfectant alcohol solution can be applied.
As an alternative we do not seem to have much else at hand. Hydrogene peroxide (H2O2) which these days is even used by dental university clinics is of proven efficacy in bleaching the teeth from the black PVJ remnants – but his should maybe rather be postponed to after the COVID-19 crisis, since H2O2 desinfects bacteria, less so the spores of molds, but for the coronaviruses scientific data seems to be sparse and very collateral: the surfaces of transport containers of the swine industry, the general effect of H2O2 vapors within hospitals: yes virucidal against an alpha-coronavirus of piglets, but not too convincing when it comes to supporting the everywhere touted efficacy of H2O2 at 3% or diluted to 0,5% against COVID-19. Experts certainly may be aware of non readily discovered research proving these claims. In fact the coronaviruses to the reading spectator seem to maintain their systems functioning when they are placed onto dry surfaces, but also when allowed to aggregate (which could readily happen among the COVID-19 given their extraordinary stickiness) or when mixed with organic substances.